New Year, New Mindset

Don’t allow the pressure to set goals allow you to become stuck. Something that I have learned this past year is that it starts with you. If we take the time to slow down, be alone with our thoughts, ask those thought provoking questions, and process our emotions, the goals WILL follow. If we learn how to love ourselves better, the health goals, financial freedom, quality relationships, and any other goals we set for ourselves will come. I have compiled some of my favorite thought provoking questions that will truly allow you to understand your needs, thoughts, and emotions better. Let’s all use these next couple days to do what we need to do in order to start fresh this year!

  1. What did you do this year that you want to do way more of next year?
  2. What has been life giving this year?
  3. What drained you this year?
  4. What challenges did you overcome?
    Take a moment to be proud of yourself, that is a huge win.
  5. What do you need to forgive & give yourself grace for?
    Write it down, process it, and make a promise to let it go.
  6. Who are 5 people you are thankful for? Text them before the new year and tell them.
  7. What do you need to do less of this year? What do you need to do more of?
  8. What are 3 moments that happened this year that you are grateful for?
  9. How could you change your morning/nightly routine to help yourself?
  10. What is in your control that you could work on this upcoming year to enhance your life?
  11. When do you feel the most beautiful/important/at peace?
  12. How could you love yourself better in the new year?
  13. This year, I am choosing to let go of…
  14. What are you looking forward to this year?
  15. If you could think of a word for this upcoming year to live by, what would it be?